Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Transparency Leads to Necessary Improvement - Pro

In “China Paper Says Government Must Meet Public Demand for ‘Openness’”, Renmin Ribao asserts that, in Beijing, transparency could potentially be very good for their government. First, he states that the government is improving by responding to the public’s need for transparency. Next, he acknowledges that, if used properly, it can be very beneficial. Finally, he sheds light on the possibilities that could occur when transparency is incorrectly applied.

Ribao, Renmin. "China paper says government must meet public demand for 'openness'."
           BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific20 08 2011. n.pag. Web. 8 Feb 2011 
Although China does not operate under the same paradigm as the US government, the principles Ribao describes are fundamentally applicable to the United States Government. Ribao thoroughly fleshes out all the different sorts of loopholes that a government may create to counteract total transparency. Nevertheless, when executed correctly, transparency not only informs the tax-paying public about the location of their funds, but it also leads to improvement. If the people are well-informed about their home-land, they will know how to fix the problems, not just mask the symptoms, so to speak. Case in point: transparency leads to necessary governmental and societal reform.

Check out this video that details exactly how government transparency is currently being applied in China:


  1. Cara, you might want to consider proof reading your work. Anyway, nice video but it gave me a headache. Great points and I like your fish on the side.

    1. Thank you Connor. Could you be a bit more specific about the proof-reading? I've done spell check, but I'm not sure what else you are referring to.

  2. I think you have done a really good job with both your pro and con points. On your con post I completely agreed with your points on how it could damage society, but after reading this post I see how transparency could be a good thing. You have done a majestic job and I can't wait to read you next post.

    1. Thank you kindly! I was going for majestic!
